Ignaz Moscheles List of Works / Thematic Catalogue

The following post is a list of Moscheles works. During my research I have found a lot of Moscheles' publications that not only do not have an Opus Number, but they have not been catalogued as well. However, since I will be using that information in my thesis I will not include any of them... Continue Reading →

Ignaz Moscheles – 1824

Continuing from my previous post, Ignaz Moscheles, in which I have given a general biography of the main points of Moschele's life, The Harmonicon on May 1824 published a biography of Moscheles. Moscheles in 1824 was planning to give concerts in England. Two concerts had already been advertised in the press: one in Bath on February 10, and... Continue Reading →

Ignaz Moscheles

In the following post I will give a brief biography of the main points of the composer I am researching for my PhD Thesis. A common question that always comes up when you are a PhD student is the obvious one, what is my topic?  I am researching the "The Reception of Ignaz Moscheles in... Continue Reading →

The Parisian Music Salons

The name of this blog is the salon music, but what does it actually refer to? And why did I chose to name my blog as a music salon? To begin with, salons started appearing during the Enlightenment in the 18th century. It was a place where women dominated. Women served not only as hostesses... Continue Reading →

The Étude in the 19th century

In this post I will discuss a musical genre, the étude,  that emerged in the early 19th century and became extremely popular for the piano. The French word étude literally means study. In music it refers to the specific musical genre used for pedagogical purposes. On certain occasions, composers named their compositions as exercises rather than... Continue Reading →

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